Monday, February 1, 2010


school is okay this year.
in three terms... that'll be a different story.
hello nerdy tianna, catchya later year 12 friends.
and then... maybe... goodbye mitchell, see you every weekend haha.
aaah next year will be a disaster.
thank jesus i only have to last till a bit before october next year.
it seems like such a long time, but it will come around quickly.
i hope, i don't want this year or the next one to go on forever.
i want to live in melbourne with my amazing boyfriend while i attend university and go out on the weekends.
i want to work part time and save most of my money so i can buy a house oneday.
i want to drive around in melbourne on my green p's while listening to tegan and sara and raging at the traffic.
i want to see maddison every week and hear all of her stories.
i want to get a tattoo of something amazing, i want it to be worth it and feel as if i have waited forever.
i want to go for a run or a walk early every morning with mitchell, and sleep in seedy as hell on the weekends.
i want to have the occaisional cigarette, never more then one or two, and never be addicted.
i want to make a whole new set of friends, ones who judge everyone less and stick up for me as if i was a little sister.
i want to be able to go back to albury and see the reminants of my old life there, and see my family every month.
i want to have the long phone calls to my mother, father, nanny & gg, aunties and uncles where i end up balling my eyes out just because i'm not there.
i want to have my family come to my house and see where i live, i want them to be proud.
i want to do these next to years two the best of my ability, i won't get a second chance.

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