Monday, November 2, 2009

i don't think i've ever been so sick of disbelief in my life.
i know it's your choice, your life,
but think about all the people out there who actually believe in these things.
do you think they like you ragging on things they devote their lives to?
yes, maybe there would be less war if there was no such thing as religion,
but that's unfortunately not the way the world is, and the people out there trying to prove that their god is the only god, or there is no god, are the people making the conflict.
a religion should be something you keep to yourself, or believe with other people.
there is too many people in the world stomping on eachothers head to say they are right and you are wrong.
honestly, why do you care if someone says their prayers before bed each night to ask for their sins undid? do you care if someone wakes up each morning to hail allah? do you really give a fuck if people dance on the streets singing a song about hare krishnah?
i don't.

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